This course presents a detailed survey, based on primary source materials, of (a) the foreign policy orientations that the Ottoman state was forced to adopt in the face of developments originating in the realm of the Eurocentric international relations of the last quarter of the 19th century; and (b) the foreign policy course pursued by the modern Turkish republic from the first quarter of the 20th century. Special attention will be devoted to exploring the inner connections between Türkiye's foreign policy issues, and international politics in general, as well as the continuities and discontinuities of a critical century in the history of Turkish foreign policy. May be taken by undergraduates as a taught course (= HIST 397), and simultaneously by graduate students as a research seminar subject to the special requirement of producing a major, 30-page research paper based on primary materials. Subject to the fulfillment of these conditions, counts towards completion of the seminar requirement in History.