
European Studies Seminar: Deniz Senol Sert


Sabancı University

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

      European Studies Seminar Series

Property Problem in Cyprus
Deniz Senol Sert

The Graduate Center,

City University of New


Wednesday, 4 April 2007

13:30 pm -  15:00 pm

FASS 2034


Abstract: This is a comparative study in the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on attitudes of members of the two communities about the problem of reparations and its effect on the exercise of property rights in Cyprus.  The study particularly analyzes Cypriots’ positions, both Greek and Turkish, to the problem of compensation to the owners of immovable property.  The attitudes of the people to the property provisions of the former UN Secretary-General’s Annan Plan for Cyprus is the starting point of the research, followed by more substantial questions on the problematic relation between property and return of the internally displaced. This project is part of a PhD dissertation utilising both quantitative and comparative case study methods, and titled "The Property Rights of Conflict-Induced IDPs: Ideals, Realities, Lessons."