
Ayşe Ozil

(216) 483 9288
Personal Web
Faculty Member

PhD, History, Birkbeck College, University of London; MA, History, Boğaziçi University; BA, Political Science and International Relations, Boğaziçi University 

Areas of Interest
history of the late Ottoman Empire, nationalism, minorities, questions of modernization, urban history, travel-writing
  • visiting scholar - Leiden University  2013
  • post-doctoral research fellow - Princeton University  2012
  • research fellowship - American School of Classical Studies  2011
  • teaching fellowship - Boğaziçi University, Onassis Research Foundation  2011
  • traveling fellowship - American School of Classical Studies  2009
  • research fellowship - Koç University, Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations  2007
  • Article
    Ozil, Ayşe (2024) "Fields into houses: local actors, society, and the making of a new urban landscape in Tarlabaşı and Tatavla in late Ottoman Istanbul". Published Online First
    Ozil, Ayşe (2023) "Before the war: Orthodox Christians in Anatolia, 1880s-1914", Turkish Historical Review, Vol.14, No.2-3, 153-173 (AHCI)
    Ozil, Ayşe (2022) "Greek personal names and the question of personal identification in the late Ottoman Empire: a social historical approach", Turkish Historical Review, Vol.13, No.3, 399-417 (AHCI)
    Ozil, Ayşe (2020) "A traveller in one's homeland: local interest in archaeology and travel writing in the Ottoman Greek world in 19th century Anatolia", Adalya, Vol.23, 497-515 (AHCI)
    Ozil, Ayşe (2019) "Whose property is it? The state, non-Muslim communities, and the question of property ownership from the late Ottoman Empire through the Turkish nation state", Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, Vol.6, No.1, 211-235 (NA)
    Özil, Ayşe (2015) "Skyscrapers of the past and their shadows: a social history of urbanity in late Ottoman Istanbul", International Journal of Turkish Studies, Vol.21, No.1-2, 75-94 ()
  • Book
    Özil, Ayşe, Anadolu Rumları: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun son döneminde millet sistemini yeniden düşünmek, Istanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, May 2016
  • Book Section / Chapter
    Ozil, Ayşe, "Perceptions of ancient remains in Ottoman Anatolia in the mid-nineteenth century: modernity, local society, and diverse ways of being Greek", Travel and Classical Antiquities in Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Greece: Exploring Marginalised Perspectives, Petsalis-Diomidis, Alexia (ed.), London: Routledge, December 2024, 199-217
    Ozil, Ayşe, "Mağduriyetin ötesi: erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde uluslararası ticaret ve gayrimüslim aktörler", İlk Yüzyılı Biterken Cumhuriyet: Demokratikleşme Momentleri, Sıradan İnsanlar ve Siyaset, Özcan, Gencer and Turan, Ömer and Boşnak, Büke and Erçetin, Tuğçe (eds.), İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, October 2024, 13-25
    Ozil, Ayşe, "Ligor Efendi at the head of an Ottoman municipality: Greek christians and the state in the late Ottoman Empire", Asia Minor Hellenism: Essays and Reflections, Arapoglou, Evita (ed.), Athens, Greece: Benaki Museum, December 2022, 51-58
    Ozil, Ayşe, "Ottoman reform, non-Muslim subjects, and constitutive legislation: the reform edict of 1856 and the Greek general regulations of 1862", Narrated Empires: Perceptions of Late Habsburg and Ottoman Multinationalism, Chovanec, Johanna and Heilo, Olof (eds.), Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, February 2021, 169-190
    Ozil, Ayşe, "In the towns of western Anatolia at the time of the great war: Greek responses to the Ottoman boycott and the forced population movement", Not All Quiet on the Ottoman Fronts: Neglected Perspectives on a Global War, 1914-1918, Beşikçi, Mehmet and Somel, Akşin and Toumarkine, Alexandre (eds.), Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, December 2020, 101-118
    Özil, Ayşe, "Osmanlı'da 'demokrasi' pratikleri: tarihyazımı üzerine bir değerlendirme", Türkiye'de Tarih ve Tarihçilik: Kavramlar ve Pratikler, Kurt, Ümit and Gürpınar, Doğan (eds.), Ankara: Heretik Yayıncılık, March 2018, 17-56
  • Volumes Edited / Special Issues
    Alkan, Mehmet Ö. and Ozil, Ayşe, 100. yılında Yunan arşiv kaynaklarında işgal Eskişehir'i, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, January 2023
  • Before SU Publications

    * Book:

    Orthodox Christians in the Late Ottoman Empire: A Study of Communal Relations in Anatolia, London and New York, Routledge, 2013.

    * Articles and Book Chapters:

    "Cihan Savaşı’nın Eşiğinde Siyaset, Toplum ve Gündelik Şiddet: Osmanlı Ekonomik Boykotu, 1908-1914", in Ümit Kurt and Güney Çeğin (eds.), İktidar, Zor, Şiddet ve Etnisite: Son Dönem Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Cumhuriyet, İstanbul, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2015, pp. 135-147.

    "Running the Greek Communal Schools: Law and Administration from the Late Ottoman Empire to Republican Turkey", in Vally Lytra (ed.), When Greeks and Turks Meet: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Relationship since 1923, Surrey, Ashgate, 2014, pp. 271-288.

    "Greek Orthodox Communities and the Formation of an Urban Landscape in Late Ottoman Istanbul", in D. Reuschke, M. Salzbrunn, K. Schönhärl (eds.), Ruhr Area and Istanbul: The Economies of Urban Diversity, New York, Palgrave, 2013, pp. 145-163.

    "Anamesa stin Autokratoria kai ti Dimokratia: I Periodos 1918-1922 stin Tourkiki Istoriografia" [Between Empire and Republic: The Period of 1918-1922 in Turkish Historiography], in Antonis Liakos (ed.), H Mikrasiatiki Katastrofi kai oi Prosfyges: Mia Nea Optiki [The Asia Minor Catastrophe and the Refugees: A New Perspective], Athens, Nefeli, 2011, pp. 101-123.     

    "The Narthex and the Reading Room: A Historical and Social Look on Orthodox Christian Communal Buildings", in Eva Şarlak and Hasan Kuruyazıcı (eds.), Greek Architects of Istanbul in the Era of Westernisation, Istanbul, Zografeion Alumni Association, 2010.

    "Zografyon Tarihinden Bir Bölüm", Tarih ve Toplum, vol. 40, no. 237 (September 2003), pp. 16-23.